Author Archives: standupforsantaclara

Attack on Freedom of Speech in Santa Clara

By Hosam Haggag, Santa Clara resident, community activist & thought leader There is an Attack on Our Freedom of Speech in Santa Clara and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. By now, you’ve probably heard of the lawsuit that Miles Barber from the Santa Clara Weekly has filed against Robert Haugh’s new website Santa Clara News Online. I […]

Show Your Support at the City Council Meeting, Tues., Nov. 22nd

Santa Clara residents and Stand Up for Santa Clara supporters- please show your support for Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor, and Santa Clara City Council Members Teresa O’Neill, Debi Davis and Kathy Watanabe at Tuesday’s City Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 22nd. They are standing up and doing what is RIGHT for the CITY and […]

Is Santa Clara Overpaying for the Santa Clara Weekly?

January 16, 2017 Rod DiridonCity ClerkCity of Santa Clara1500 Warburton AvenueSanta Clara, CA 95050 Dear Mr. Diridon, Thanks for meeting with me last year after we sent our complaint about advertising dollars being wasted in the Santa Clara Weekly. Since our conversation, we’ve done some research. The Santa Clara Weekly was adjudicated in the City […]

Santa Clara Appoints New Interim City Attorney

Reprint from: Santa Clara News Online By Robert Haugh City Appoints New Interim City Attorney The City of Santa Clara has  a new, Interim City Attorney. It’s Brian Doyle who is a Santa Clara resident and Civil Services Commissioner. He received unanimous support from the city council with Dominic Caserta absent for the vote. Ren […]

It’s Not Just the Mayor Who Can’t Trust the 49ers, it’s Our Community

Santa Clara residents finally have a mayor willing to stand up to the 49ers.  Lisa Gillmor is a welcome change from the Jamie Matthews administration who genuflected at the team’s feet. When Scott Herhold from the San Jose Mercury News suggests it’s a quarrelsome marriage, he ignores an important fact. It’s not just the Mayor who can’t […]

Measure R Wins in a Landslide

Santa Clara voters made their voices loud and clear last night when nearly 90% of our community voted YES for Measure R on election day. Measure R protects Santa Clara parks and open space by requiring a vote of the people before city government can sell or change the use. We are particularly grateful that […]

Do the 49ers “Own” the Santa Clara Weekly?

Today, we’re sharing with you a guest column by a new site that covers Santa Clara news — and sheds light on the 49ers.  Santa Clara FocusBy Robert Haugh Do the 49ers “Own” the Santa Clara Weekly? Over the years, have the 49ers slowly bought out the only newspaper in Santa Clara? Dating back to […]

Jed, I Launder Clothes, Not Money

#No49ersDark Money #WhereTheHellisHarbaugh Watch our press conference video to understand how we believe the San Francisco 49ers are secretly laundering money to influence the local 2016 Santa Clara Political Election.Jed YorkDorothy Rosasan francisco 49ers

Vote Yes for Measure R & Protect Our Parks & Open Space

Please help us get out the vote and tell your family and friends to VOTE YES for Measure R. Should Measure R pass, the city of Santa Clara would be unable to sell public parkland or open space without voter approval. The initiative would shift the responsibility for city-owned property sales and land-use changes from the Santa Clara […]

BluPac Money Laundering in Santa Clara is a 501c4 Political Action Committee set-up by Douglas Chan in 2015. Their website endorses Patricia Mahan, John McLemore, Ahmad Rafah, Dr. Mohammed Nadeem, Police Chief Mike Sellers and Rod Diridron Jr. (removed last week). Blupac is trying to discredit Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor, City Council Members Debi Davis & Kathy Watanabe, and city council […]